Brisbane Flight Path Community Alliance – people before planes

We had many requests for our followers and supporters to be able to download our marketing and communications materials. On this page, we publish these resources such as flyers, yard signs and posters, which you can download, print, and distribute.

You can help us spread the word about BFPCA by printing one of our flyers or posters and displaying a copy on your building’s noticeboard. You can also include them in your building’s or club’s email newsletter or share with your social media group.

Sign Up Flyer 2024

blue edition
red edition

Flyer for the 10 June 2023 Protest


Download PDF to print posters >

Download PDF to print flyers double-sided: 2 A5 on A4 >

Find out more about the BFPCA community protest against flight path noise pollution.

Sign Up Flyer 2023

Flyer for the Federal Election 2022

In the lead-up to the federal election 2022 we have been distributing the following new flyer as well as our federal election score card. Thanks to our group of volunteers for helping us with the letterbox drop. Please print this DL formatted flyer double-sided three per A4 sheet. We have a PDF version with “cuts and bleeds,” which can be used by printers to produce a borderless result, or a regular PDF version with no bleeds.

Social Media Tiles 2022

These 1:1 formatted tiles can be downloaded and used on social media. We are using them in our Facebook and Twitter ads.

Flyers 2021

This 2021 flyer design is double-sided and features a tongue-in-cheek message to Brisbane Airport about its excessive noise pollution problem on the front, and a call to action – “What can you do? A lot!” – including QR codes to various actions on the back. Please print these double-sided in either A5 or two per A4 sheet. Page 2 has been rotated for easy printing.

The following three design were created for ads placed in My Village News in 2021. They can be used as flyers for display on your building’s noticeboard. If you live in an apartment building, feel free to print and distribute them to your neighbours.

Brisbane Curfew Now flyer
Take Action flyer
Subscribe Now flyer