Brisbane Flight Path Community Alliance – people before planes

We have spent years fighting for a fair outcome on unsustainable aircraft noise pollution, but our complaints continue to fall on deaf ears.

👉 The time has come to protest. 👈

Hon. Catherine King MP calling for community protests at the National Press Club, 8 March 2023

Join us at 9am on Saturday 10 June 2023 at Brisbane Airport Corporation headquarters, 11 The Cct (map), for BFPCA’s first protest rally.

We have done everything governments have asked of us to find a fair solution in the last 2.5 years. We’ve all done detailed submissions, joined committee after committee, attended elected representative meetings, joined community workshops, sent more than 16,000 complaints and still…. no change. Check out BFPCA’s 60 reasons to protest if you want to get really angry.


BFPCA Community Rally: speeches by BFPCA Chair Prof. Marcus Foth; Elizabeth Watson-Brown MP for Ryan, and community members from Taringa, Cleveland, Upper Brookfield, Samford Valley, and New Farm

Messages of Support

BFPCA is working closely with affiliated groups around Australia and the world. Here are some of their messages of support. Thank you all!


UECNA, the European Union Against Aircraft Pollution, speaks for European citizens suffering from aircraft pollution but our message is now carried more globally.

Despite our differences, different languages, different laws, different cultures, we all suffer the same pollution from aviation : loud noise and bad air quality. This pollution affects our lives, our health. We also care for planet earth on which we live with our children and grand-children.

Your fight here in Brisbane is our fight. We all want a to live in an healthy environment. This is even a constitutional right in many countries. However, it is poorly applied around airports.

Aviation cannot develop in the next years until it reaches a level compatible with a healthy life for citizens. Lower noise and lower emissions of air pollutants. With the pressure of climate impact, local pollution may have been considered a lower priority. It needs to back on the top of the pile together with the fight on aviation’s climate impact.

Human activities on earth have reach a point where we cannot foresee stopping our impact on the climate. In our region, governments are preparing the population to a 4 degrees increase. For the future of humanity we must all act, aviation like other industries. The promise to reduce an impact in several decades is not enough. A promise to reduce is not a reduction. We must all act today. This is an emergency situation.

If we still want to be able to fly in fifty years, we need to press a pause button now. Pause a growth that will be harmful to our communities and more globally to humanity. A cap on the number of movements, on the emission of air pollutants, on the impact on the climate, on the level of noise.

We hope your demands will be heard and that governments will come to reason : no growth if no results.

Paris (France), 10 June 2023, Dominique Lazarski, President

UECNA International Day of Action

The BFPCA protest is part of the UECNA International Day of Action to cap aviation and reduce noise.

East Melbourne Group

The East Melbourne Group offers its support and best wishes to BFPCA and the communities it represents on its day of protest action against the impacts of aircraft noise on communities.

Like all communities impacted by aircraft noise, we have long been concerned by the lack of action of successive governments and their aviation regulators relating to the lack of consistency, transparency and effectiveness of aviation policy and associated regulatory frameworks. Specifically,  in regard to realistic and meaningful community engagement, consultation and empowerment. Communities impacted by aircraft noise must have a seat at the decision-making table when government’s consider flight path design and air space change proposals.

East Melbourne Group

Protest Organisation

Can you, your family and friends show up and take a stand for your community on aircraft noise? RSVP now and save the date.

RSVP – Yes, I’m ready to protest:

This helps us send you time critical information in the lead up to the protest and on the day.


09.00 AM  Arrival and check-in
09.20 AM  Welcome and speeches by BFPCA chair, politicians, affected community members
Musical performances by Riff Raff Radical Marching Band
10.00 AM  Group photo and scanning of QR codes for new complaint campaign and petition
10.20 AM  Procession across Charlie Earp Bridge, 15-20 min stoppage at parkland at the base of the bridge, and return. Map >
11.00 AM  Close


The Queensland Police have issued permission for a procession on the following route: Brisbane Airport Corporation Headquarters – 11 The Circuit, Brisbane Airport > The Circuit > left The Boulevard > Charlie Earp Bridge > 15–20-minute stoppage at parkland at the base of the bridge > Charlie Earp Bridge > The Boulevard > right The Circuit and concluding on footpath 11 The Circuit, Brisbane Airport.

Distance: ~ 750m one-way. Map >

Road Closures: Vehicular and pedestrian traffic will be regulated by Police during this event, covering the route as outlined above for the safe and effective regulation of traffic on the road. If it is necessary to effect, Police may temporarily prohibit, or divert traffic and pedestrians as outlined on this notice. The time and duration of individual road closures will be determined by the Police in attendance.

Map >


Why are we protesting?Check out the 60 protest reasons BFPCA have compiled here.
Can anyone attend the community rally?Absolutely! Our community rally is open to all community members, including residents of all ages, local business owners, community organisations, and public officials. All children participating in the rally shall be under the supervision of a responsible adult at all times. Pet animals in the procession shall be on a leash and controlled by an experienced handler at all times.
Is there car parking nearby?Yes, the DFO carpark is walking distance. Please show the courtesy of visiting the centre after the conclusion of the rally. DFO opens at 10am.
What about car pooling?We have started a thread in the BFPCA discussion group to organise car pooling. If you need a lift or can offer people a lift to the location (11 The Cct, Brisbane Airport near DFO), drop a comment here in order to connect.
Are there public toilets nearby?Yes, closest toilets are in the Skygate shopping centre next to the venue.
What to bring?It’s a good idea to bring comfortable clothing, sunscreen, a hat, sunglasses, and a water bottle to stay hydrated.
Can we bring protest signs?Yes please! Placards and banners may be carried, provided they are made from and supported by cloth, cardboard, or similar material. No wooden stakes! We will also provide free BFPCA corflutes for you to use during the rally and to keep as a yard sign afterwards. We encourage everyone to bring a sign with your suburb name written on it to demonstrate how far the noise pollution reaches.
Is the community rally family-friendly?Absolutely! The community rally is designed to be inclusive and welcoming to people of all ages. There will be activities and entertainment suitable for families and children.
Will there be any security measures in place during the rally?Yes, the safety and security of all attendees are important to us. The Queensland Police have issued BFPCA with a permit to hold this public assembly. This comes with the conditions outlined below that we ask everyone to adhere to. In addition to police, we will have volunteer marshals present to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone.
Why are we gathering here and not elsewhere?We’re first meeting at BAC HQ before we go on a procession across the bridge over Airport Drive for maximum visibility. We chose a weekend day to maximise attendance as many people are busy during the week. As well, many people are familiar with the location from the 2 June 2021 rally organised by Max Chandler-Mather MP for Griffith. When Max organised the 2021 rally, BAC locked the doors. So it’s not like they’d welcome us with open arms or engage with us if we were to rally on a week day. Furthermore, it’s also about getting everyone comfortable participating in protest actions as our demographic is largely inexperienced, so we’re after a safe and peaceful option that is also family and kids-friendly.
What about COVID?There are things you can do to help reduce the risk of you catching and spreading COVID-19. We follow the official advice by Queensland Health. You can wear a mask at any time if you choose to. We also recommend you stay home if you’re sick, keep up to date with your vaccinations, and maintain good hygiene.
What happens if it rains on the day of the rally?The rally will proceed even if there is light rain. Updates regarding any changes or alternative arrangements will be communicated through our website, social media channels, and our SMS list – so please make sure you are subscribed.
How can I stay updated on the latest information about the community rally?Please sign up to our BFPCA newsletter and include your mobile number. If you already receive the BFPCA newsletter, you can add your mobile here.
I cannot make it. How can I still support BFPCA?You can take action in other ways, e.g., by lodging complaints, writing to your elected representative, donating to the BFPCA fundraiser, and signing our new petition.

Terms and Conditions

  1. Contact shall be established and maintained between the organiser and the Queensland Police Service liaison officer at all times;
  2. Placards and banners may be carried, provided they are made from and supported by cloth, cardboard, or similar type material and do not conflict with State or local laws and regulations related to the safety of participants, members of the public or police and any persons called upon to assist police;
  3. Marshals shall be appointed by the organiser and shall be deployed along the entire procession route to assist with the safe and orderly management of the procession and shall be clearly identifiable;
  4. The organiser and marshals shall ensure that there is no intimidation or fear caused to any persons;
  5. Participants are to obey the current laws in respect to public order (good behaviour) as provided by current legislation in the State of Queensland;
  6. Literature may be distributed on condition that it makes no disclosures with respect to business advertising and any cleaning costs for litter caused by the distribution of literature will be at the organiser’s expense;
  7. Entry onto private property is conditional upon permission being granted by the person in control. A notice of permission does not authorise the trespass onto any property;
  8. Entry into a place that is a park, reserve, pedestrian mall, square or other public place is subject to the organiser giving the relevant local authority a notice of intention to hold a public assembly at that location and obtaining from that relevant local authority a notice of permission for the assembly;
  9. State and Local Authority terms and conditions regarding the use of open space areas such as parks and malls shall be obeyed;
  10. The agreed route shall be followed in a tight continuous formation and no deviations made by participants;
  11. All vehicles included in the procession shall obey all laws and regulations for the State of Queensland regarding the requirements for driving a vehicle on a roadway or road related area, this includes but is not limited to any parks, lanes, pathways, tracks or driveways;
  12. Participants shall take all necessary precautions to avoid any road incidents and shall immediately obey any lawful direction given by police;
  13. No vehicles shall be located within the main body of the procession. Any vehicles incorporated within the procession shall be at the front or the rear;
  14. One traffic lane shall be kept open for emergency vehicle access at all times;
  15. Queensland Fire and Rescue Authority, Queensland Ambulance Service and relevant local authority(ies) shall be advised of the procession route and the intentions of this procession;
  16. All children participating in the procession shall be under the control of a responsible adult at all times;
  17. Animals in the procession shall be controlled by an experienced handler at all times;
  18. A copy of this notice of permission for a public assembly shall be carried by the organiser or other responsible person during the event and shall be produced to police, if requested.
  19. If amplifier devices are to be used as part of the assembly, the event organisers must comply with the provisions of the Environmental Protection Act 1994.
  20. No unauthorised stoppages are permitted.
  21. No banner drops or articles are to be hung over the Charlie Earp Bridge.
  22. Participants must not deviate from the march route outlined in the Notice of Permission.
  23. All participants must be clear of the roadway by 11.30am.