To date, there has been an unwillingness on the part of Airservices and BAC to recognise the identified consultation deficiencies and to reasonably mitigate the excessive noise, health, education, and other environmental impacts of the airspace design.
This BFPCA-led survey of affected residents in December 2020 to January 2021 is a powerful and insightful summary of the community experience since the new runway and the revised airpath operations have been operating.

It is apparent that the noise pollution from Brisbane Airport’s new flight paths has adversely affected people living, learning and working in impacted communities. Affected community members face the prospect of exposure to unexpectedly severe aircraft noise levels that can have a devastating impact on individual well-being. The noise pollution has also significantly damaged the character, liveability and natural amenity of a significant portion of the greater Brisbane area.
The survey also clearly highlights that impacted residents are of a strongly held view that the development of Brisbane Airport’s new runway has failed to properly inform or consult affected residents, and delivered an acute and unreasonable noise impact well beyond levels anticipated by the community. The survey results point to systemic and compounding deficiencies of Airservices and Brisbane Airport Corporation (BAC) in fulfilling its core consultation obligations.