Brisbane Flight Path Community Alliance – people before planes

BFPCA’s journey began by trying to make sense of what happened. Many residents who have just joined our community may be at different stages of the same learning journey. On this page, we share our library of links and files, so you can find relevant documents all on one page. If you come across a broken link or an important document that is not yet included here, please let us know.

While maintaining this library is important to gather knowledge and evidence, we should not expect people to study aviation in order to vent their complaints about unreasonable noise pollution. We don’t expect people to have degrees in town planning just to have a say in the future of our cities.

On this page, you find documents relating to:

Brisbane Airport

Airservices Australia

Aircraft Noise Ombudsman (ANO)

National Reports and Senate Inquiries

Federal Aviation Legislation

Bills to Amend Existing or Introduce New Federal Aviation Legislation

Airport Traffic Data

Airport traffic data provided by the Bureau of Infrastructure and Transport Research Economics (BITRE), Australian Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications

Academic Research Papers

Both Brisbane Airport and Archerfield Airport are being used by a range of different aircraft types including many older aircraft such as propeller and piston engine aircraft that operate on leaded aviation gasoline. There is a well-established body of peer-reviewed scientific literature on the severe negative impacts of aircraft noise pollution and aircraft exhaust emissions on human health and wellbeing as well as learning and cognitive abilities of children in the proximity of airports.

We have started to gather a selection of peer-reviewed academic papers on these topics, but there are many more. You can access our Paperpile library of academic research papers here >